Back in the saddle!!!

So for the five millionth time, I'm restarting this. :)
If you found me through my website, YAY, ME! That means I got it to work!!!
If you're subscribed, THANK YOU!! I'm hoping to make a go of this whole Internet presence thing.

I have all kinds of ideas and thoughts and plans, but we all know how that goes, (especially after January 1).

Here's the deal...I'm going to try really hard to pull this all together, so if you have any input or suggestions to help me get this off the ground, I'd love to see them!

The website will connect to this blog, my Close to My Heart site, my Pinterest boards, other sites I like, and hopefully to some "how to" videos and stuff like that. It's going to take a lot of editing and designing and playing around...wish me luck! (And keep after me if I quit.) ;)

I'm going to also try to pick up some AdSense experience as I I'm going to give a plug to one of my current favorite products, my Keurig. Granted, I got mine second-hand, but when it dies, I'm not sure I'll be able to go without replacing it.

 Keurig Platinum Brewer B70 (Google Affiliate Ad)


  1. Hooray! Glad to see you blogging again. I will keep after you for certain. <3 ya, M


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