Where Was I?

I know, I know. You've been waiting breathlessly for an update. But I had to go back to work, so I've been busy. Yeah, excuses, excuses...but here we go!

We are the house of Tyvek. Two sides are finished, and they look great. Even the area Tyvek rep came out and looked at it and said it was done well. Of course, he had to consult his manual on the way our windows were installed, since "he'd never seen anything done quite that way before." Go figure. *** But the guys were happy to know they'd done it well, and so were we!

***When the contractors removed the trim around the windows, they realized very, very quickly that the trim was the only thing holding the windows in. Yep. Somehow the "previous owners," (...kids read this. I can't write what I'd like to call them...), had managed to install the windows without actually ATTACHING them to the house. Whee!
So here's where we were as of Thursday. Heavy rains were predicted for the weekend, so they wanted to make sure everything was sealed and secure.

And it poured. Seriously. For a while. And guess what!?!?! Probably for the very first major rainstorm since we moved in 11 years ago, there was NO WATER coming into our house!!! How cool is that?

And now the bad news. The porch. Sigh.

Here's how it looked when I left for work this morning. Notice the creative lighting. Can you hear the angel chorus in the background... "laaaaaa?!"

And here's what I found when I came home. You may weep with me. 

I don't think it's going to look nearly as stupid as I originally thought, but it will definitely take some getting used to. They haven't started removing the decking yet, but that's coming soon. 

Notice the green steps in the front. Those are concrete, and will not be moved. The joy of this situation is that the original steps are under the porch, presumably where they need to be for our new doorway. What does this mean? We're going to have two sets of steps until we get our mini-deck built to connect to the new door and the green steps. Until that time, Mark has suggested a moat. The boys want a  rope bridge. I'm of the opinion that we use some BRICKS and create a walkway around the green steps and load it up with beautiful plants. (Hint, hint!) If you have any brilliant, (or mediocre), ideas for how best to play the dual step angle, I'd love to see them in the comments! The contributor of the winning idea will enjoy the honor of coming over and building the deck for us!! Start commenting, people!


  1. Im afraid i will win! So, im staying silent... As silent as the grave of your old porch... Which I Did weep for :'(


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