Jumping (back onto the) Ship

Well, hello blog. It's been awhile.
As every good procrastinator knows, New Year's Day is the best time to start something. (Epiphany is usually the best time to quit, but we're not there yet.)
I'm going to try this again. For the umpteenth time. Maybe someday I'll find a way to make it stick.

So what's been going on down here? (COOL! I just realized this can be my Christmas letter that I haven't sent for the past four years. Consider yourself holiday greeted!)

Austin graduated from 8th grade and started his freshman year at Manor New Tech High School. He's really enjoying the Project Based Learning atmosphere, and seems to be doing fairly well. He was in marching band this past Fall, and is now participating in Indoor Percussion Ensemble. It's really pretty cool.

Aiden graduated from 5th grade and is now a 6th grader at Decker Middle School. Lucky kid. He's finally back at school with me! He's also in band and LOVES it.

Both boys are percussionists. Expect to see ads for earplugs floating through this blog. Here's our Christmas morning concert. Christmas serenade

I gave up on Close to My Heart direct sales. Now I'm trying my hand at Thirty-One. So far, so good. Seems like lots of people are interested in bags. Maybe the City of Austin's plastic bag ban will be good for me in the long run...

Our family just got back from the Austin Family Christmas. This year, we celebrated at Thunderbird Resort in Burnet, Texas. We really love that place. Check it out!

Thunderbird Resort

And if you've known us long, you know that every year, Mom chooses themes for Christmas. This year, we learned about Iceland, and decorated with purple and bells. Our gifts were supposed to be games, but not all of us followed the rules. Here we all are...

We even had Sean home from Army training! It was an awesome four days...

Next year, we celebrate with red, the Christmas canon, (I hate that song), knives, and Athens! Austin chose. We should be glad it didn't include horse heads.

Yep. We're a little off. But we're a lot more fun this way.


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