Duh moment.

Went to Target after church and totally forgot to buy myself some coffee creamer. When I got to the car, I actually considered going back in to get some, but you know how that turned out.
Then I realized I could probably make my own! Off to the Interwebs!!
I found this recipe immediately...
Homemade Vanilla Creamer

But of course, I didn't have any whole milk. Or cream. Has not having ingredients ever stopped me before? Nope. What I did have was some skim milk and some Cool Whip that has been here since, oh, I don't know, February? It still tasted good. So I carefully and exactly followed the recipe by dumping a cup or so of skim milk, a hugungous spoonful of Cool Whip, a squeeze of Karo syrup (I wasn't sure about the maple), and a capful or so of vanilla into a saucepan and letting it simmer till the Cool Whip melted.

Guess what! It's good. But it still needs sugar.
