$20 Herb Keeper? P'shaw.

I love fresh cilantro. I  use it all the time when I cook. If you've ever bought fresh cilantro, you know how short the shelf life is for that stuff. I figured out once that if you wash it, lay it out to dry COMPLETELY on a paper towel, then wrap it lightly in another paper towel, it will last longer, but it also gets dry faster. Not a real problem, since dried fresh cilantro is okay, but I really like it fresh. Every other way I've tried to store it has failed. It gets black and slimy or wilty. HA! No more. I have thwarted your plans, evil fresh cilantro. I discovered herb keepers!!! On amazon.com!!!
But wait. The cheapest one there is $12, and the reviews are so-so. I'm not spending $20 to keep a 25 CENT bunch of cilantro for more than a day. Whatever shall I do? Google, of course.
I found several links to "make your own herb keeper." Unfortunately, I didn't have any of the parts necessary to do this. So I scavenged. I found several of the tall Ziploc screw-on lid plastic containers. Now we're talking.
Here's what I did.
I found two containers, and one airtight lid. I cut a hole in the bottom of one, slid the cilantro in so the roots went out the bottom, and closed the lid. I put just enough water in the bottom of the uncut (duh) container so that the stems were immersed, but it didn't come up into the interior container. (Leaves touching water is BAD.) Then I kept it in my refrigerator door.
This is after a full week in the fridge! :) I 'm just so stinkin' proud of myself. ;)
