As If I Didn't Have Enough to Keep Up With...

I love the idea of "once a month" cooking. Give up one Saturday a month and spend the day prepping and cooking for the whole month, or more! What a deal! However, I don't have the attention span necessary to spend a whole day doing ANYTHING. Much less the freezer space needed to store food for a month.
So I've come up with the ADHD version. On Saturday or Sunday, whenever I can spare an hour or so, I put together meals for the week. Almost any casserole works, and if it's stuff that can't be refrigerated together, (like tortilla chips), I just put all the ingredients together in plastic containers and throw it together when I'm ready to cook it.
I posted about it on Facebook awhile back, and a bunch of people were interested in the recipes I was using, so I created a FB page. Here it is, if you want to check it out.

And here's tonight's food...looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. It took less than three minutes to put together. I added cilantro, just because I had it, but this is the Taco Casserole recipe. (The pan isn't dirty, I promise. It's stained stoneware.)

So I'm going to try to add the recipes that work. This will give me a place to find them again, and give you a place to look if you need an idea. But I'm bored now, so I'm going to go do something else...

Note to self: Stock up on Pyrex 9x13 pans. With covers.
