We All Know I'm a Slacker.

We all knew I'd never keep up with this, but I haven't quit yet. Not really.

I'm going to post about a cool site I found this morning. Here's a link...


Austin brought me a "renew now" subscription card from Popular Mechanics. I'd originally gotten a free year from some survey I did. I wasn't willing to pay $20 for it, so I googled "free Popular Mechanics subscription." After clicking a dozen or so links, I found one that sent me to recyclebank.com.

I am not green. I am, perhaps, hazel. If something can produce less waste, be reused, be better for the environment AND NOT COST ME ANY EXTRA MONEY OR TIME, I'll do/use/buy it.

So I went to recyclebank and found the free subscription. I just had to earn some points for signing up and clicking on some stuff.  I did that. I earned enough points for the magazine AND two pounds of coffee from Specs! (We'll see how that works out.)

Anyway, while looking for more free stuff, I found out that they also recycle old electronics. I was able to pack up a box of old phones/cameras/GPS that had been sitting here for a couple of years. We'll see how that works out for me, but they're not on my desk anymore!

Now it's up to you. Check it out. See if there's something free you can use. I was excited that I spent less than 10 minutes for Austin's magazine, instead of $20. And yes, I recycled the subscription card.


  1. Don't quit :) I love keeping up with your crazy life :) Thanks for telling me about recyclebank. Will have to check it out.


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