Hey! I have a blog!

Well, I warned you. I told you I'd get distracted or bored or busy and not post. My goal was to hit this thing at least every other day.
Maybe I set my sights too high?
Maybe I should have tried for every other week?
Every other month?

Anyway, here I am, sitting here typing when I should be...
a) baking cupcakes for Austin's birthday on Friday?
b) packing for my unexpected trip to be a camp counselor for one night tomorrow?
c) cleaning the junk off my table so I can get to my chore list?
d) cooking dinner?
e) all of the above?

Yep. Camp. It's only 105 degrees. This should be great fun. At least the sleeping area will be air conditioned!

I can now honestly say I've posted to my blog, so I'll sign off and get myself a glass of tea while I come up with other ways to not do what I need to do.


  1. Oh Kathy, you always make me laugh.. LOL It could be worse, camp could be in 119 in AZ.


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