Enough Excitement Already.

Today started with the kitten catching his first mouse. We knew all that practice with his toy mouse would pay off, we just didn't know it would be so soon. I got it away from him and let it go, (he was just playing with it. Now to teach him to kill clean!)

Then Rypien, our hunter cat, decided to bring in a big Spiny Lizard. And let it go in the laundry room. I finally caught him and got him safely outside.

As soon as I sat down, I heard a ruckus in the backyard and looked out the window to see Crispy Fried taking a swim in the pond. "I didn't know chickens could swim." Well, they can't. She had been trying to eat the goldfish food and fell in.

And if I have my way, that will be the last critter rescue of the day. However, the kitten is busily repeatedly sticking his paws into the USB laptop fan as I type, so this could be a really, really long day.


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