Thoughts on Coming Home...

You know how at the end of the day you just can't wait to get home and relax? Yeah. I remember that, too. Almost like it was this afternoon...then I got here. And there was a smell.
One of "those" smells. It's pervasive. It's gross. It's unidentifiable. And it's hidden. So that's the current issue I'm avoiding by sitting here writing this. Trying to find that nasty smell.

"Aiden, you can help me by trying to find that nasty smell."
"What smell??"

And there, my friends, lies half the problem.

I've checked the trash cans and the obvious places, like the sinks and toilets. No piles of anything on the floor anywhere... It's not an "animal" smell. More like a "three day old lunch" kind of odor. Just sweet enough to be nauseating.

I believe I've wasted enough time and I should really get busy trying to find and eradicate the lovely fragrance wafting through my house...ooh, wait! Maybe there's a website that will help me figure out where to look...


  1. Oh.... Yes, as the Mother of 4 boys I have come home and smelled a smell I need to get rid of real quick. Scott has no sense of smell, he lost it due to his service connected illness. The other 4 boys aren't much help in that dept either. I have a super sniffer, a heightened sense of smell that never changed post pregnancies. I hate when I can't find the smell... lets hope you were able to eradicate it!


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