Country Living...

So I'm being commented at. Yes, I lose interest quickly. It's my ADHD. But I'm okay with that...however, Marsa has guilted me into posting again. :)

This is a picture of the boys with two trees we lost (officially) last weekend. They've been dead for a year or two, but they finally fell. I wonder how many people have "drag dead trees to the burn pile" on their kids' chore list in Austin. Anyway, they're both very proud that they were able to drag the trees by themselves. And I'm very happy. Because I'm very lazy and didn't want to do it myself.

The biggest news happening is my "Wine Tour of Duty" coming up on Saturday. I say "my" because it's at my house. Otherwise, I'm just here. Drinking. My amazing sister (in-law, if I have to be accurate) came up with the idea of a fun, (and affordable!) wine tour. We're going to set up tasting tables in the backyard and spend the day trying different wines and stuff to go wtih them. No spitting allowed. Michelle, one of my scrapbook buddies, and General of the Scrap Insurgents (as we're more commonly known), is organizing the day. I love that. Sister has the idea, I mention it, other people do it. Why can't all of life be like that?

So, if you're around this Saturday, and feeling adventurous, come on by! Try some new wines, eat something, scrapbook something (Michelle has plans for our wine journals!). We're going from 9am to 9pm, and there will be available beds if you just can't get home.

I think that's enough for now. I'm going to go conquer something else on that hideously long chore list. But I'm leaving the pooper-scooping to the boys...
