Alright, so...yeah.

People keep telling me I need to blog. I've tried it before, but I do it for a few days, then I get bored and quit. It's the ADHD in me. Diagnosed? Yes. By me. I have a DSM-IV, I'm capable of self-diagnosis.
So anyway, here I am, attempting to start a rant...I mean...discussion of daily life in and around my world. The house? Amityville. The land? Green Acre. The family? Wonderful, and I love them dearly, but of a whole different breed. The job? Discontinued. (This will be interesting as it unfolds.)

So remember People, YOU asked for this. Maybe some major corporation will decide it's worth subsidizing, and not only will I become rich, but the world will be a better place.


  1. Yepppers, I did ask for it! :) I don't think my ADHD, but I do think I was ADD as a child, who knows.... Very distracted that is for sure! But I did have a lot going on... Anywhooo, I will stay tuned!


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